London’s Leading Experts in Fire door Safety Compliance.
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Experience complete peace of mind with our NAFDI-certified fire door inspections. Our team ensures your doors meet all UK safety standards, providing thorough assessments and quick, reliable service
Solution for any Structures
We have solution for any kind of buildings
Public structures
Hospitals - Schools - Universities
Government Offices - Theaters

Private structures
Hotels - Offices - Gyms -
Restaurants - Shops

Malls - Supermarkets - Big Stores

How often should we check our fire doors?
UK fire door inspection regulations have been updated, requiring quarterly or semi-annual inspections based on building characteristics. Check out oure blog article on the new fire door regulations which is a summary of the latest fact sheet on fire doors from the UK governement updated July 24th 2023.
Who is responsible?
The Responsible Person in a building is in charge of ensuring that fire doors are fit for purpose. In commercial properties, the Responsible Person may be the owner, landlord or occupier. In shared premises, there is likely to be more than one Responsible Person and these people must work together to ensure they meet all relevant requirements of the Fire Safety Order.
What needs to be checked?
Fully closes
If the fire door is fitted with a self-closing device, open the door fully, let it go and allow it to close. Does it close into the frame without sticking on the floor or the frame or jamming on the latch or seal and without slamming too hard? Now open the door about 5cm and check that it still closes into the frame.
Ensure the door leaf sits against the door stop and is free from distortion. If you have double doors, check they close in line if opened and released together.